In response to the senseless tragedy unfolding as the Russian military continues to invade Ukraine, Prints for Ukraine features artists working in the medium of photography who have worked in the country. Contributing artists have generously donated their images to raise funds that will immediately go to grassroots charities to help those suffering from this full-blown humanitarian crisis.
For questions about orders: info@printsforukraine.com
Press inquires: team@danamannix.com
Prints will be available to order beginning March 17, 2022 and will run through April 10, 2022. Please follow our Instagram for up-to-date announcements.
Prints are available for the listed price, plus shipping costs.
All images are printed on 10 x 12 inch paper with a white border on all sides. The actual printed area varies for each image depending on aspect ratio.
Prints are available in a non-numbered open edition and are unsigned.
The prints do not come framed.
All proceeds will be sent immediately to Voices of Children, a Ukraine-based aid organization that provides psychological support to children who have witnessed war and to Kyiv Independent, an English-language newspaper, for overlooked journalists who are covering the Russian invasion of Ukraine, at great risk to their families, their homes, and their personal safety.
We anticipate approximately 70% of the print price will be sent to the organizations outlined.
If you wish to donate directly we encourage you to use the links provided above.
Prints for Ukraine and the participating artists are offering affordable work to support those on the ground in Ukraine as well as refugees. By purchasing this artwork, you agree to do so under the following conditions:
(1) You must not display the artwork in a museum, gallery, exhibition, or otherwise public nature, without express consent directly from the artist or their representatives.
(2) You agree to not make any further copies of the image after its purchase; all prints will come with a stamp on the back as an indication of this fundraiser. Duplicating the image in any way is not permitted without express consent directly from the artist or their representatives.
(3) All sales are final, given all net proceeds are being donated immediately to charities, refunds are not be possible.
Please note: Prints for Ukraine is not in the business of collecting personal data. Information including e-mail addresses provided is for fulfillment of your generous contribution and will not be re-sold or re-used in any capacity.
Every effort will be made to fulfill orders once the period for ordering prints closes however we cannot guarantee a set timeframe. You will receive an email with an order number upon confirmation of your purchase, and a follow-up email with a tracking number once your order has shipped.
We are based in New York and the buyer assumes any costs associated with domestic and international shipping to ensure the maximum amount of net proceeds are donated to the outlined charities.
Shipping Calculations
Domestic orders in the United States will be shipped via UPS; shipping costs are calculated based on your order and location to guarantee accurate pricing. Do note: your order will not be shipped within 1-5 days.
All orders outside the US are shipped at a flat rate of $50 USD plus an additional $2 USD per print.
Prints for Ukraine is an independent fundraising initiative in conjunction with Neighborhood Publications, based in New York City.
We extend our sincere thanks to all of the participating artists who have contributed images, to those who work with them for their generosity, and to Griffin Editions for providing their expertise and printing services.
For communication expertise we thank Alix Dana and Hyatt Mannix of Dana_Mannix for their kind support.